Ceremony Celebrating 215 years of the Opening of the Bar of the Port of Aveiro

05 ABR. 2023


On April 3rd, the Port of Aveiro celebrated the 215 years of the Opening of the Bar with an evocative ceremony in the Teatro da Vista Alegre auditorium, in Ílhavo.

Eduardo Feio, President of the Board of Directors of the Port of Aveiro, opened the session, followed by the interventions of Nuno Pires, President of the Aveiro Port Community, Ribau Esteves, Mayor of Aveiro and of the Intermunicipal Community of the Aveiro Region, and João Campolargo, Mayor of Ílhavo.

The ceremony also included a lecture by Professor Carlos Martins, architect and assistant professor of Project in the Department of Architecture of the University of Coimbra, author of a thesis on Public Works in Portugal in the late eighteenth century, a work awarded a prize by the Portuguese Academy of History, during which the work done for the definitive opening of the bar, which occurred on April 3rd, 1808, and which was only achieved with much persistence and tenacity, was made known.

The Port of Aveiro is grateful for the presence of all on this day full of emotions, stories and celebrations!

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