A-AAGORA pilot project to restore biodiversity in port areas launched

14 AGO. 2024


The Portuguese demonstration team of the A-AAGORA project yesterday presented the underwater structures ('bio-huts') that will contribute to increasing biomass and biodiversity in the Port of Aveiro, in the auditorium of APARA - Associação de Pesca Artesanal da Região de Aveiro, followed by their installation in the harbour of the Coastal Fishing Port. These structures will be monitored over the next two years to assess the evolution of biodiversity.

The event was attended by representatives from the University of Aveiro, Aveiro Port Authority, Ílhavo and Vagos Town Halls, Gafanha da Nazaré Parish Council, Glória and Vera Cruz Parish Councils, APARA, Docapesca and STRIX, as the project partner responsible for the 'bio-huts'.

The 'A-AAgora - Blueprint for Atlantic-Arctic Agora on cross-sectoral cooperation for restoration of marine and coastal ecosystems and increased climate resilience through transformative innovation' project is a consortium of 30 partners, led by the University of Aveiro, which aims to restore marine and coastal ecosystems and increase climate resilience in the Arctic and Atlantic basins.

This project is supported by Horizon Europe's 'Reclaiming our ocean, seas and waters by 2030' mission, under Funding Agreement No. 101093956.

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