Port of Aveiro launches public tender for the contract to upgrade the Avenida Marginal of the High Sea Fishing Port of Aveiro (quay-dock), worth 5.4 million euros

22 AGO. 2024


The announcement of the launch of the public tender for the contract to upgrade the Avenida Marginal do Porto de Pesca do Largo de Aveiro (quay-dock) was published yesterday in the Diário da República, with a base value of 5.4 million euros, as set out in the Activity Plan and Budget 2024-2026 of the Aveiro Port Authority.

The main objective of this work is to improve the quality and value of this important port infrastructure, as well as to prevent the occurrence of partial flooding and contribute to improving the safety of the movement of people and vehicles, through the creation of a bicycle corridor, the raising of the crown of the marginal retention and the installation of tidal valves. 

The contract, which is expected to last 365 days, will include demolition, paving, signaling, structures, retaining walls, drainage, electrical and telecommunications networks, landscaping and a fire-fighting network. 

It should be remembered that this port infrastructure is used by the national deep-sea fishing fleet and is surrounded by several companies involved in fishing, fish processing, freezing, packaging and distribution.

The deadline for submitting proposals is 14 October.

See here the notice published in Diário da República.

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