APA - Administração do Porto de Aveiro, S.A. celebrates its 25th anniversary

21 NOV. 2023


On the 3rd of November, APA - Administração do Porto de Aveiro, S.A. held a meeting in the Coutinho de Lima room at the Administration's headquarters to celebrate its 25th anniversary as a Port Authority. 

On 3 November 1998, with the publication of Decree-Law No. 339/98 in the Diário da República, JAPA - Junta Autónoma do Porto de Aveiro - was transformed into a public limited company with exclusively public capital and was renamed APA - Administração do Porto de Aveiro, S.A. (APA). On this date, the Port of Aveiro was granted the status of a national port, as well as new powers, allowing for greater development and autonomy.

The meeting was attended by employees of APA, S.A., former directors, the company's governing bodies, the President of the Port Community, the Mayor of Ílhavo (CMI), the Vice-President of Aveiro City Council (CMA), among others.
Speeches were made by the current Chairman of the APA Board of Directors, Eduardo Feio, the first Chairman of the APA Board of Directors, Raúl Martins, the Chairman of the Aveiro Port Community, Nuno Pires, the Vice-President of the CMA, Rogério Carlos, and the Chairman of the CMI, João Campolargo.
A plaque commemorating 100 years of JARBA (Junta Autónoma da Ria e Barra de Aveiro), JAPA and APA (1921-2022) was also unveiled.

This ceremony closed the commemorations of the 215th anniversary of the opening of the Bar of the Port of Aveiro.

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