Intermodal Terminal gets financing in the European Program CEF2

19 ABR. 2022


The project for construction of the Intermodal Terminal and improvement of railway bundles in the Port of Aveiro's ZALI was submitted for Community financing by APA, S.A. to the notice 2021 of the CEF 2 Program, within the scope of the dual use financing line, with the acronym DUALITRAIL- Dual Use Intermodal Terminal and Rail Extensions in the Port of Aveiro, aimed at expanding the capacity and improving the rail infrastructure of the Port.

Specifically, it consists of the construction of an intermodal terminal with an area of 9.4 hectares and the expansion of the bundle of lines for receiving/shipping railway trains so as to allow the operation of trains up to 750 metres long and an increase in the efficiency of the railway services provided. This investment is intended to strengthen the connectivity of the Port of Aveiro in the corridor Aveiro-Salamanca-Valladolid/Madrid, in order to attract new business to the port and increase the environmental sustainability of logistics flows inland.

The investment is estimated at 16,076 thousand Euros and has financing approved by CEF 2, under the dual-use financing line, in the amount of 7,604 thousand Euros, which corresponds to an approved support rate of 47.3%.

Currently, the project is in the environmental licensing phase, and its conclusion is expected to occur in September 2022. The work should start in January 2023 and be completed by the end of 2024.

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